Meditation Resources for Newbies

Looking to learn how to meditate? This page focuses on some of the best meditation resources I can think of for new meditators. Things I wish I knew when I started!

A Little Background… What is Meditation?

People explain what meditation is in very different ways. That’s because it’s a personal experience, with many different practices that have historically been steeped with spiritual experiences. Very simply put, meditation is a way of focusing the mind, relaxing the body and building clarity and awareness. It’s like an exercise for the brain and is part of a healthy routine for your mind, body, and emotions. It also takes practice. Like exercise, people know its good for them and yet still find themselves avoiding it.

You may have heard a lot of things about meditation, such as it requires emptying the mind of all thoughts, or sitting for hours chanting a mantra. While both of those things could be someone’s way of meditating, it’s not the only way – just like gymnastics is one person’s form of exercise, and walking is another’s.

Why Should I Meditate?

I get it. You want to meditate, but can’t seem to get around to it. I find reminding myself of the benefits can be helpful (just like exercise!).

I also teach an advanced system of meditation and energetic healing with Training in Power.

Meditation Resources

How to Meditate – The Basics

There are many types of meditation, but they all have the same things in common. I find that, basically, Meditation is as simple (and yet difficult) as this:

  • Get your body comfortable: You can do this by sitting down or lying down. Body positions, like yogic poses, are completely optional.
  • Close or rest your eyes: let your eyes relax
  • Pay attention to your breath: try counting your breath. Box breathing is really easy. Inhale for a count of 4, hold your breath for 4, exhale for a count of 4 and hold your breath out for a count of 4. (Repeat)
  • When thoughts arise, just refocus. So, if you’re paying attention to yuor breath, keep paying attention to your breath. If you’re focusing on a mantra or visualization, simply return your focus there. It’s that idea of picking one thing and going with it.

These are the basics. Like learning to walk, it can take time. Sometimes, it helps to have a class or a group to train with. There’s also many variations. Once you learn to walk, you can then run, or even dance, and there’s plenty of dance steps to learn. But you can start with walking.

Meditation Music

My Meditation Play List on YouTube

Tibetan Monks Chanting – This is one of my favorites! Very grounding!

Movies About Meditation

From Stress to Happiness – Netflix – This film is about a stressed-out documentary filmmaker who goes on a journey of discovery with a pair of monks, one of whom is known as “the happiest man in the world.”

Meditate Now

Blue Light Meditation to Relieve Anxiety on Insight Timer.

Introductory Breathwork Session for Training in Power Academy

Healers and Teachers Directory

Coming soon!