Training in Power Classes

I first discovered Training in Power Academy Classes in 1999 after spending a few years trying to learn meditation and build my own practice. Though I’d tried many things, these courses offered the support and guidance I needed to get started. I enjoyed them so much that I trained to teach this work and have been teaching since 2003. (Here’s a blog post I wrote about why I teach, if you’re interested).

Training in Power Course – Level 1 – The Prophet

Training in Power Academy classes consist of a mindfulness awareness practice, meditations that engage the ‘active mind’, and energetic healing work, similar to Reiki, but more efficient.

Are you looking to deepen your meditation practice and open to your own inner knowing? If so, this work might be for you. I was someone with a busy mind, who had difficulty learning to meditate, but I found this course opened doors for me and truly helped me build and solidify my own practice.

The Training in Power Level 1 Course offers those seeking clarity a profound opportunity to manifest a life of passion and choice.

Because, Level 1 allows you to re-open your own knowing of the metaphysical world and achieve greater awareness and consciousness, people often use words like “Powerful,” “magical” and “transformative” to descibe it. If you would like to know more, please feel free to contact me.

What You’ll Learn

Training in Power Level 1 offers:

  • an active meditation system that engages the active mind
  • energetic healing systems to heal yourself and help the ones you love
  • tools to actively manifest what you want in life
  • a way to develop your inner knowingness
  • exercises to help you build and trust your intuition
  • techniques to protect yourself and others from negativity.

Prerequisites:  None

Class Format

Because the Training in Power Level 1 course is delivered in 4 classes over 4 weeks, the course allows you to assimilate information with an opportunity to practice your learning between each class.

Here’s what each class consists of:

Class One – Introduction. This class introduces you to the World of Power and how it shows up in your life, and builds your meditation framework for exploration.
Class Two – The Metaphysical World. This class deepens your experience with the metaphyscial world and the greater mind.
Class Three – The Power to Heal and Manifest. Learn to work with energy and healing work in this profound class.
Class Four – Tools and Techniques to Live a Conscious Life. This class explores how to use what you’ve learned to live the conscious and fulfilling life of your dreams.

Training in Power Community

Because being in community enhances learning, graduates of Level I are welcome to audit any Level 1 course for free, online or anywhere in North America, for a year after graduation.

We also provide monthly meetings to enhance your comprehension and keep you on your path to living in power.

Training in Power Level 1 – Online

Read the Training in Power Level 1 Brochure to find out even more about this course.

Training in Power Classes - Level 1: The Prophet - Picture of a lighthouse
Level 1 – The Prophet

Wednesdays, July 17, 24, 31, and Aug 7, 2024
6:00 PM Pacific Time

The Archetype Course

Wednesdays, May 15, 22, 29, and June 5, 2024
5:00 PM Pacific Time

Fairy tales, mythology, and the media have all contributed to our inherited acceptance of archetypes and stereotypes. An example would be the “starving artist”: an archetype for those who believe one must suffer to produce great art.

Unfortunately, these archetypes can be limiting when we are trying to live our own stories. We can be unaware of their impact on us individually.

Have you observed predictable, recurring patterns in your life that seem more reactionary than evidential of who you really are or what you wish to manifest?

Do you suspect there are other options available to you but feel unsure of how to break free from what holds you back?

Training in Power Level 2 – Online

Training in Power™ Level 2, ANCIENT SHAMANISM unlocks a deeper understanding of who you really are and how much Power you command. This course combines ancient knowledge with spirituality and quantum physics, and allows you to explore past lifetimes and unlock beliefs and patterns that no longer serve you.

Join My Mailing List – Waking Up Within

Calling all meditators and kindred spirits! This monthly mailing list offers meditation prompts, links to bonus meditations, and, of course, announcements about any classes I’m teaching.

Plus, every month there will be a draw for a complimentary energy healing and reading from me. ($60 value)

Find out more about my other meditation classes.

More information about “Training in Power” or the “Training in Power Academy of Meditation and Healing” can be found here.